Private Equity Advisory and Financing Services:

Private equity investments can be divided into the following categories:


This refers to a strategy of making equity investments as part of a transaction in which a company, business unit or business assets is acquired from the current shareholders typically with the use of financial leverage. The companies involved in these transactions are typically more mature and generate operating cash flows.

Seed Capital-

This refers to the initial investment in a project or startup company for proof-of-concept, market research, or initial product development.

Venture Capital-

This refers to a broad subcategory of private equity that refers to equity investments made, typically in less mature companies, for the launch, early development, or expansion of a business. Venture capital is often sub-divided by the stage of development of the company ranging from early stage capital used for the launch of start up companies to late stage and growth capital that is often used to fund expansion of existing business that are generating revenue but may not yet be profitable or generating cash flow to fund future growth.

Growth Capital-

This refers to equity investments, most often minority investments, in more mature companies that are looking for capital to expand or restructure operations, enter new markets or finance a major acquisition without a change of control of the business.
Distressed / Special situations Funds
This refers to investments in equity or debt securities of a distressed company, or a company where value can be unlocked as a result of a one-time opportunity (e.g., a change in government regulations or market dislocation). These categories can refer to a number of strategies, some of which straddle the definition of private equity.

Mezzanine Capital-

This refers to subordinated debt or preferred equity securities that often represent the most junior portion of a company’s capital structure that is senior to the company’s common equity.
Mezzanine capital often is a more expensive financing source for a company than secured debt or senior debt. The higher cost of capital associated with mezzanine financings is the result of its location as an unsecured, subordinated (or junior) obligation in a company's capital structure (i.e., in the event of default, the mezzanine financing is less likely to be repaid in full after all senior obligations have been satisfied). Additionally, mezzanine financings, which are usually private placements are also often used by smaller companies and may also involve greater overall leverage levels than issuers in the high yield market and as such involve additional risk. In compensation for the increased risk, mezzanine debt holders will require a higher return for their investment than secured or other more senior lenders.
We have alliance with several Funds and have unique access to number of domestic and foreign based private equity funds.
We have our dedicated team of professionally qualified and experienced specialists which has the competence and efficiency of devising most suitable structures and products for our clients. With unassailable, positive, reliable and sensible networking with various private equity / venture capital investors, we have a distinct edge of closing the deal promptly.

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